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What is LPG?

It is the backbone of cooking, heating, transport and industry for millions of people worldwide. It is an incredible upgrade to efficiency and air quality compared to many traditional fuels. And it is known under the nickname LPG. Here, you can get to know this a bit better – Liquefied Petroleum Gas.

Definition of LPG

It is a fact that LPG is a gas. Actually, LPG means Liquefied Petroleum Gas. At first, this name might seem a bit contradictory. How can something be both a gas and liquid? The former can fly in the air while the latter can splash in a pool. But as you will learn on this page, both the name and the gas itself actually make really good sense.

At normal temperature and pressure – as in your living room or garden – you will meet LPG as a gas. But when it is either cooled down or put under pressure, it changes into a liquid. Exactly the type of liquid that is filled onto the cylinders you use for your BBQ in the summer. However, as soon as the liquid leaves the cylinder – e.g. to turn your spareribs into a feast – it returns to normal temperature and pressure and therefore turns into a gas again.

Transforming a gas to a liquid has many advantages. To sum it all up, LPG is in many ways a truly responsible source of energy. Before we get to the details, let us highlight a feature or two that characterise LPG and its outstanding qualities.

  • FUN FACT: The Olympic torch

    The Olympic flame is an iconic symbol of the Olympic Games – fuelled by LPG. With this fuel, it is safe and easy for the bearers to carry the torch around on its journey before reaching the stadium. Moreover, using LPG also ensures a strong and visible flame that burns cleanly.

Characteristics of LPG

LPG is a fossil fuel, just like coal, natural gas and crude oil. Unlike the others, LPG never occurs on its own, and you will only be able to find it naturally in combination with either natural gas or crude oil. As a matter of fact, LPG is actually a by-product that only emerges when these fuels are processed. Approximately 60% is produced during the extraction of natural gas, leaving 40% to be recovered through crude oil refinement.

With its origins in place, let us have a look at some of the features that make LPG unique on its own.

  • Petroleum gas shrinks significantly when it changes from a gaseous to a liquid state. Actually, the volume of the liquid is only 1/250 of the gas, and it is therefore easy to transport lots of energy in a small space.
  • The liquid inside a gas cylinder turns into vapour when you heat it up, or when you release the pressure by opening the valve. If the cylinder was made of glass, you would be able to see how the change in temperature and/or pressure makes the liquid boil and consequently turns it into vapour.
  • LPG vapour is heavier than air. In case a cylinder or tank is leaking, the liquid gas will firstly transform into a vapour and secondly spread close to the ground.
  • Chemically, LPG is made of propane, butane or a mix of the two, and it consists of carbon (C) and hydrogen (H) atoms.
  • FUN FACT: The fake smell

    The smell of gas is 100% fake. In itself, LPG does not smell, and it can therefore be very difficult to detect a leak. To solve the problem, an artificial smell is added to the odourless gas. That makes it easy for every human nose to function as a gas detector.

Why choose LPG?

Reason #01: LPG is very versatile

More than 1,000 different applications run on LPG. Perhaps you then wonder – which applications use this gas as a fuel? The list is long and includes everything from BBQs, cooktops, and hot air balloons to cars and heating. In other words, LPG is an extremely versatile fuel.

All around the world, LPG has become a vital source of energy. Hundreds of millions of people not only use but actually depend on the gas – for different purposes but with the same result. It fuels their everyday life.

The global LPG production has exceeded 300 million tonnes/year. About half of the global LPG demand comes from the domestic sector where LPG is used for e.g. cooking and heating. But as mentioned above, the possibilities and applications are almost endless.

The versatility is one of LPG’s outstanding qualities – and one of the reasons for choosing it. Without comparison, LPG is one of the most flexible fuels, and it is with good reason that it is often referred to as a multi-purpose energy.

Reason #02: LPG is extremely efficient

LPG is packed with energy. It is more energy-rich than other commonly used fuels such as natural gas, petrol, coal and diesel. With a technical term, it has a higher calorific value. This basically means that when you set LPG on fire, the flame temperature will be higher compared to the other fuels. And naturally, a higher temperature translates into a higher efficiency.

In comparison with traditional fuels, LPG can be up to five times more efficient. Whereas many traditional fuels deteriorate and lose efficiency over time, LPG always keeps its powers for good. Such an indefinite shelf life only makes the high efficiency even better.

Reason #03: LPG is easy to store and transport

It is possible to both store and move LPG in many different ways. That makes it both flexible and practical for you to use it.

The storage options range from refillable cylinders to tanks either above or under the ground. The cylinders are perfect for cooking and barbecuing, and the tanks do the job for applications that need a bigger and more constant supply of energy.

Along with the wide variety packaging options comes a corresponding variety of transportation options. LPG can reach the people who need it either by sea, rail or road. A choice that is only possible because LPG can travel around freely. Unlike natural gas and electricity, it is not tied to any lines, and you can therefore move it without needing a complicated infrastructure setup.

The ease of storing and transporting LPG is the reason why this fuel is accessible to everyone everywhere – and one reason for choosing it. LPG can travel to even the remotest areas, and on islands, in mountains or in communities far away, it might be the only viable energy option.

  • FUN FACT: The different names

    LPG is an abbreviation of the gas’ English name, Liquefied Petroleum Gas. When this name is translated into French, Italian and Spanish, the word – and consequently also letter – order changes. All three languages use words starting with L, P and G, but in different sequences.

    • English – LPG (liquefied petroleum gas)
    • French – GPL (gaz de petrole liquefie)
    • Italian – GPL (gas di petrolio liquefatto)
    • Spanish – GLP (gas licuado del petroleo)
  • FUN FACT: The accidental discovery

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