MAKEEN Energy commitments

Did you know that the internet roughly emits as much carbon as every single airplane in the world? That makes it a significant contributor to climate change. And while your visit to MAKEEN Energy's website is just a drop in the digital ocean, we still feel obligated to do our part so you can surf it with a clear conscience.
That is why we have signed up for the initiative "CO2 neutral website". Through our yearly donation, we support a range of projects that reduce carbon emissions around the globe, such as rainforest conservation and building renewable energy sources.
You can read more about CO2 neutral websites here.
Our commitments

World Cleanup Day
We strive to give back to our local communities, therefore, we participate in the annual World Cleanup Day.

Danske Hospitalsklovne (The Danish Hospital Clowns)
The Danish Hospital Clowns do a very important and amazing job, which we are more than happy to support.
MAKEEN Energy's commitments